The Alexapure Story
Fresh & vibrant, free of the past, essential for the future.
This is the inspiration behind the Alexapure® family of products. When Matt Redhawk and his wife were expecting their first child, he turned his focus to the future of his growing family.
Getting ready for the birth of his daughter was not unlike preparing for an emergency. He wanted to make sure she would always have what she needed to be healthy and self-reliant. At the top of his list was safe drinking water, the most precious of life’s necessities.
The Quest Begins …
Matt searched for years to find an affordable, efficient water filtration solution. However, his quest for the “holy grail of water filtration” was unsuccessful. According to Matt, “It did not exist, so we set out to invent it.”
That’s why our first water filtration system, the Alexapure Pro™ went through a number of painstaking modifications and stringent tests before Matt and his team were satisfied.
The end result? A line of water filtration systems that uses the most advanced technology, at a price that’s affordable for every home.
The Quest for A Safer, Healthier Future Continues…
Matt realized that he couldn’t just stop at clean water. He started thinking seriously about the air his family breathes every day.
However, he knew that any air purification system we created would have to meet the same high standards as the rest of the Alexapure family of products. It had to innovate on existing technologies. It had to deliver on our promise to provide superior performance and affordability.
After years of development, the Alexapure Breeze was set to revolutionize home air purification. Its unique 4-stage purification process and IonCluster technology meets or exceeds performance standards of leading competitors. The best part? It costs a fraction of other “high-performance” units.